Unit System – Mobile Buffer Collection Unit

Shelter & Special Container

General Info

Unit System – Mobile Buffer Collection Unit

Following the health emergency related to the Coronavirus COVID-19, LEM has designed, manufactured and patented a new “Covid-19” Sheltered System called the UNITA System (Mobile Swab Collection Unit).

The project was born with the intent to safeguard the health of both Healthcare Professionals and Patients subjected to tampons, mainly preventing the spread of the virus. The system is multifunctional and can also be configured for other needs.

Project name: – UNIT – the first Mobile Unit for rapid removal of mucous swabs to support territorial monitoring campaigns for Covid-19 infection.

The mobile system is totally AUTONOMOUS and can be used to carry out territorial campaigns to collect swabs (and in general for blood and biological liquids) quickly, safely and effectively. The operating rooms in charge, with each sampling of the patient’s pad completed and before the next, are totally sanitized.